Chiropractic Care for Various Kinds of Injuries
Our approach treats your entire body, relieving pain and promoting long-term wellness. Ask Abe's Chiropractic Center for more information on how chiropractic care can help your specific pain, condition, or injury. Many conditions are treatable naturally without the need for surgery or medication.
Nutrition and Supplementation Therapy
Since approximately 80% of our immune system is in our gut, this therapy promotes well being by evaluating an individual's nutritional deficiencies and then replacing those essential nutrients through diet modification and nutritional supplementation. Our goal is to enable you to experience quality living for life.
Conditions Commonly Treated With Chiropractic
- Car accident injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Sports injuries
- Neck pain
- Pregnancy discomfort
- Back pain
- Sciatica
- Headaches
- Arm and leg pain and numbness
- Immune system boost
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